Twitter is an ever-more-popular social networking tool for people and companies to use to send messages and stay in touch with people. If you’re not familiar with twitter, it’s basically like the status line of Facebook, but with some extra (very minimal) messaging components.
A lot of people are using twitter to stay in touch and talk (including a lot of bands), so there are usually a lot of conversations flying around, all of which are publicly accessible.
The interesting part about this is that twitter gives you the ability to search through everyone’s messages to see what they are talking about. Below are a few fascinating music-related twitter searches that you might want to try.
I admit, there are likely more interesting searches that you could probably come up with, so if you think of a good one that isn’t listed, post it here in the comments!
(UPDATE: Twitter has since update it’s search functionality and below links have been removed but the search terms remain)
- listening to
- listening to http
- music
- mp3 http
- bands
- amazing musician
- song http
- amazing song http
- music industry http
- I love this song
- weird music http
Don’t forget to search for the little notes, too