There has been a never ending debate about the best way to listen to music. Vinyl? CD? Hi resolution CD? Neuro-flektiquantum laser fluxpod? Most audiophiles use digital media such as CD’s these days, but a survey by Stereophile Magazine has come up with some interesting results.
Yes, people – it’s official: audiophiles don’t like CD’s anymore. In a recent survey by Stereophile magazine, 36% of respondents said that they use a (gasp) computer-based music server (as opposed to 34% who use CD) for their music nowadays. Only 11% use Hi-Rez CD players.
Remember, these people are readers of stereophile magazine – these audiophiles are normally a fairly conservate bunch. So when these guys stop using them, you can pretty much declare that CD’s are officially dead. Of course most of these guys probably download songs from HD Tracks rather than 128kb mp3 files.
Darn, where are they going to use their Magic GSIC chips now? I guess this will make James Randi happy.