The Bellagio Hotel and Casino has as its landmark a water showcase. The Fountains of Bellagio features an open to the public display of choreographed water fountains with light and music. Truly a must see for the Vegas crowd.
What if water just doesn’t do it for you? Bring music to life with fire. A company by the name of Live Spark can help the pyro-audiophile create a fireplace, sculpture, or lounge centerpiece that:
Makes fire move in response to every snare hit and every melody, creating real-time fire art that brings music to life.
The flash intro on the company site showcases the concept. Here are a couple of pictures of the innovative designs.
There has to be some sort of relation between music and fire. Otherwise, why would concert goers hold up lighters to signify they want an encore? For those who are more safety minded, you can always use the virtual Zippo lighter app for the iPhone or fake fireplace DVD.