The White House recently announced the installation of solar panels as a signal to its commitment to alternative energy. Solar panels have been around for some time. In fact, the White House first installed solar panels back in 1979 by order of Jimmy Carter but were later removed by Ronald Reagan. It seems everywhere you look, everything and everyone is making a bid to alternative energy.
What can you be doing to help out?
How about simply going out clubbing. That’s right: Go out, listing to music and party.
Science 101 teaches us that if you have a magnet and a wire, you can generate electricity. Simply spin the magnet, or wire (it’s all relative).
Club Watt in Rotterdam, Netherlands has found that if you have a room full of people and play loud dance music you can also generate electricity.
Using special floor tiles, the club harnesses the vibrations from people dancing and uses the electricity to power its light show.
If you can’t afford your own sound tiles, you can still create your own electricity with this DIY video.
how cool is that