Rock band Tool may very well be the most complex and deep band in lyrical content with subject matter ranging from mathematics to psychoanalysis.
finding beauty in the dissonance – Schism
It can be argued when you see a great painting whether the artist really meant to portray everything that the critic gives them credit for. Did Picasso really think about emphasis, line, movement, pattern, and tone when painting Guernica? Or did he simply rely upon a vision and gut feeling on what felt right? Here are two clips of the rock band Tool with some very interesting observations.
The 1st clip if about the Fibonacci sequencein the song Lateralus: Watch Video
If you’re not inspired by the Fibonacci sequence, run a search for “Fibonacci Sequence in Nature” and prepare to be amazed at the role it plays in nature from the smallest of things like the shape of a shell to the vast expanse of galaxy spirals.
The 2nd clip is of the song 46+2. Here the subject changes to psychoanalysis with reference to “the shadow.”: Watch Video
Certainly refreshing to see lyrics with a bit more perspective behind them…
Considering the connections between mathematics and music reminds me of Neal Stephenson’s book Anathem, for which David Stutz actually composed and released an accompanying album…