I’m 53, an ex-sound engineer. Got really over exposed to loud sounds during the rave scene in the UK during the 90s. I have bad tinnitus in both ears & a high frequency loss in my right ear. I can hear the fundamentals up to the 12Khz ok, but my cheap sound card gives audible harmonics for many of the higher samples. (I obviously would not have been able to hear the true tones even on good equipment in a perfect anechoic chamber) Great site! & take it from me kids, PROTECT YOUR EARS!! or you like me will have to live with Mr.Hisssssssss in your head.
Best Regards Steve.
I just got back from a hearing test,. . . and found out I need hearing aids. The problem is they want $4500 USD for a set of two. Surely there is a more economical solution to solve mine and millions of people around the world. If You know the solution please email me everyone in the world that has internet access. Thanks
The problem is, Earprotecting isn’t cool for that age.
It’s a shame, the do kids blind following. nobody want’s to be uncool. who cares ears?
Hey man thanks for a post like this. Now people really need to know that they may loss their hearing capability anytime and by any means. So the posts like will spread the awareness amongst the people and especially children who are really fond of loud music, computer games while wearing headphones on full volume.